Oh yeah!!

Oh yeah!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rest Day--- Evolution of training

The evolution of training is a funny thing. Look back 30 years ago. 70's big is a classic example of what the main goal was. BIG!!! How can I get big and what is the fastest way to do it. Mr Olympia... Arnold.... Atlass.... What made them so incredibly popular. Their size. Every guy at some point in their life has said "I want to be huge" "Arms like Shane in 2009" (hahahah). Eventually things changed and we started wanting to be ripped and skinny like the movie starts. Our perception on what is fitness drastically changed. Now it wasnt muscle that defined fitness it was toneness. people wanting to show of everybit of muscle they had but none were amazingly strong. Ripped is the best way to describe it. Now we have the new version. Fitness nowadays is being able to do anything with skill and have strength while being able to run 7 miles and the pull yourself up and then do an olympic lift. Fads are fads. Evolution will always happend. People will always come up with the new and best way to train. The new and best way to be fit. So we ask a simple question...

Why do we train a certain way? How have we come up with the programs we are on? What causes us to choose a program that we think is better for us? John said it perfect in a post today..."As athletes become more advanced they need to ad things to the program. Different versions of lifts, various types of resistance, assistance work to make up for weaknesses."

Individuals can follow a program or a site that they feel best suits their needs, but when it is all said and done, only that individual knows what they need to be fit.

Education!!! Become educated and learn how a program works. Learn how to tweak it as you need to. I love CFFB!!! I love the program. I think it is the best program I have ever been involved with. At this stage we are in an evolutionary period of CFFB. A test run if you will. It could go huge.


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