Oh yeah!!

Oh yeah!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Feb 28th---GREAT DAY!!

Had to put it up. Such an awesome picture. Strong is hot!!!
Split it up a little today. My back cant handle the heavy deads right now.







3x10 Weighted GHR

3x12 Reverse Hyper


3 rounds

12 (each leg) walking lunges with 95#

Max Rep weighted pull ups with 50#

15 GHD sit ups

That was money...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Feb 25th----BOOOOM!!!

DE Bench 3x6 135#(J)/180(t)/200(S) with orange bands doubled up
Decline DB Bench 3 x max reps 75(J)/100(T)/115(S)
EZ skullies 3x8 105(J)/135(T)/175(S)
DB single BOR 3x15

5 rounds
FW 40yards 115s
Prowler push 40yards 90
20# sledge strikes 10 each side


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Feb 24th---New day great day!!

Booyah baby!!

Alright. So today was a good day. The crew showed up and threw some shit down.

Starting to get the hang of some of this shit.
Next week should be really interesting as we move on to a new cycle.

10x2 Box SQ 115#(J)/155#(S,T) with grey bands
13x1 DE DL 250# (J)/275#(T)/315#(S), with red bands
3x10 speed front squat repped 115#(J)/155#(T,S)

6 rounds
2 PS @ 135
5 Box Jumps 24"
10 (K2E, GoodMorn, GHD Back Ext)

That was a badass Workout boys. Loved it. Coming soon. Some of my facorite WODs we have created over the last little while. Posted somewhere. hahahah


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cool Discussion about crossfit

Got this from a friends website. Can't lay claim, but it is cool as hell!!

10 Tips For Success For The Crossfit Newbie

Stepping into a Crossfit gym for the first time can be a bit intimidating and overwhelming.
You might see a bunch of half-naked hard bodies showing off their ink and abs, ripping out butterfly kip after butterfly kip. You might ask yourself, “Is that person having a seizure or doing pull-ups? What’s with all the Chuck Taylors? Do they get a group rate? What’s with the guy in the corner wearing only sweatpants, shirt off, all tatted up and muttering to himself? Is he on a work-release program?” Fear not newbie; these people won’t bite. They’re actually pretty darn friendly and overly supportive once you get to know them. It can be a lot to take in at first glance, especially if you’ve had limited exposure to Crossfit prior to stepping into a box. But don’t worry; we’ve got your back. The following are 10 things to keep in mind as you begin your Crossfit journey.

1.) You’re Competing Against Yourself, Not Others
When it comes time to throw down in a wod, don’t feel like you have to do everything RX’d or be able to complete 20 rounds of Cindy right off the bat. Go at your own pace. Let the intensity find you. You need a solid foundation of strength and flexibility in order to progress into more demanding workouts. Start light, get your form down, and don’t worry about the mother of three who is deadlifting 250 as you struggle with the bar. Chase your own capacity before chasing the person next to you. Which brings me to my next point…

2.) Don’t Be Too Proud To Scale
Sing it with me now:

Ain’t too proud to scale, sweet darling.
Please don’t leave the wod. Don’t you go.
Ain’t too proud to scale, baby baby.
Please don’t leave the wod. Don’t you go.

Tony Budding (of Crossfit HQ) describes scaling as another form of programming. Scaling is such an individualized topic that it’s hard to make sweeping generalized statements. You have to know your own body and its limits. But most importantly, there’s no substitute for common sense.

3.) What You Eat Is More Important Than What You Lift
Nutrition is the key to every aspect of your life. It affects your energy levels, your recovery, and your overall defense against disease. To quote the late Jack Lalanne, “You put junk in, junk comes out. You put good in, good comes out.” When you’re first starting out, the quality of your food is far more important than the quantity. Call it whatever you want: Paleo, Primal, Hunter-Gatherer: just eat clean. If you’re eating as clean as possible, you don’t even need to worry about the quantity. You are a Ferrari. You wouldn’t put regular unleaded fuel in a Ferrari, would you?

4.) Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Clarification, Over and Over and Over Again
It’s your time, money, and most importantly, health. If you don’t fully understand something, ask. If you still don’t get it, ask again. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification if you don’t fully grasp the concept, or you think others in the class will get frustrated with you for taking up too much time. We were all newbies at one point. We’ve all been there. Learning the mechanics of certain movements like the kip, squat, deadlift, or any of the olympic lifts takes lots of practice and critique from a trained eye. If you need help, just ask.

5.) Crossfit Isn’t Everything
Crossfit is a strength and conditioning program that focuses on building general physical preparedness (GPP). It is quickly evolving into a sport of its own, but that doesn’t mean that it has to be your sport or your lifeblood. I Crossfit so that I can do whatever I want: Go out, play sports, learn new things. Having that GPP allows me to take on new challenges. Crossfit is not my life. I Crossfit so that I can have a life…and be awesome at it.

6.) It Doesn’t Get Easier, It Just Sucks Less
The longer you immerse yourself in the suck, the less it sucks. You get stronger, build a greater aerobic capacity, and become mentally tough. All of these aspects, combined with experience, allow you to know when to push yourself and when to back off, so that you can attack each workout to the best of your ability. Soon, you’ll come to love the beatdowns. Much like Kevin Bacon in Animal House, you’ll be screaming, “Thank you sir! May I have another?” Well, maybe not. But you get the point.

7.) You Won’t PR Every Day
Don’t mistake intensity for hard work. Even if you’re having a bad day and the intensity just isn’t there, you can still get a lot out of your time in the gym through hard work. Intensity and hard work are not the same thing. Don’t skip a planned session just because you don’t think you’re going to kill it and leave everything out on the table. Not feeling too strong that day? That’s fine; scale the weights and/or rounds or time domain back. Something is better than nothing.

8.) Have Fun
Let’s face it, some of the workouts are not fun. Frankly, some of them just plain suck. I’m looking at you, Hero wods. But when it’s over, you feel a sense of accomplishment and maybe a little queasy. You shouldn’t be pissed that you didn’t get as many reps as the person next to you. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Smile. Laugh. Introduce yourself to people you don’t know. If you’re not having fun, why are you here? Do you enjoy your overall time spent at the gym? Do you enjoy the people, the community, the knowledge and support that it provides? If so, then don’t be too concerned with your competitive nature until you have a strong grasp on the 9 Foundational Movements.

The things you’ll learn in a Crossfit gym are fun: gymnastics, olympic lifts, new swear words (see: Mary Martin). You can’t do this stuff in a globo gym. The attitude is different too; no one is going to get in your face and cheer you on as you knock out those last five minutes on the elliptical. And the feeling you’ll have the first time you get an unassisted dead hang pull-up or full squat snatch is an amazing sense of power and accomplishment.

9.) You Are All Firebreathers
The term “Firebreather” comes from Crossfit legend Greg Amundson, and he defines it as such:

Firebreather –Fie-r-bre’-th-er: (n) 1. One who faces the triumphs and tribulations of great physical opposition with an indomitable spirit. 2. An optimistic energy associated with the heart of an athlete.

You don’t have to be an “elite” Crossfitter to embody the essence of a true Firebreather. It’s not your Fran time, it’s the spirit you bring to Fran that makes you a Firebreather. Don’t forget that.

10.) Respect Rest and Recovery
Too many newbies (and even those of us who have been doing this a while) get caught up in overtraining. Don’t be afraid to schedule in a deload day once per week, or a deload week every 4-6 weeks where you cut the weight, rounds, and intensity in half. You have to think about this from a longevity standpoint. If you’re killing yourself every time you step foot in the gym, week after week, month after month, year after year, you’re going to eventually break down. You need to respect your time outside of the gym. There’s an old weightlifting adage that goes something like: “You don’t get bigger and stronger from lifting weights, you get bigger and stronger from recovering from lifting weights.”

Proper nutrition, hydration and sleep all play their part in recovery, but you also need to listen to your body. If you continuously beat yourself down, you’re going to get hurt, injured or worse. Stay on top of your mobility work. If you haven’t done so yet, pay a daily visit to Kelly Starrett’s MobilityWOD. The information there is invaluable.
Courtesy of Crossfit Delaware Valley.

Rest Day=Sweet money!!

What a great rest day!!!

Shrugs 5x8 Barbell @ 315/405(3)/315
DB Shrugs 2x20 115#
S&J - weighted dips and chin ups 3x8
R - 3xmax MUs (18 total) and then 2x8 weighted dips and chin ups
Overhead Tri Ext 3x8/Incline DB curls (T - 90#/40, S105#/40, J - 65#/30)

Great Rest Day!!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Feb 22nd - Ass Kicking

Today was badass!!

1RM Floor Press
DB incline press with orange bands 3xmax reps
Barbell BOR 3x10
DB rolling tricep ext. 3x12

3 rounds

300 yard shuttle (50 yards 6 times)

5 minute rest between rounds

Fastest times!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feb 17th--- DE Day

I love these movements but I still have so far to go.

DE Box squat with Med bands and 135# 12x2
DE DL with light bands doubled and 225(J)/250(T)/280(S)
3x10 FS @ 115(J)/155 and 3x10 GHD back ext

5 rounds
3 PC @ 155(J)/185(T)
5 Box Jumps
7 Ball Slams 40#
90# prowler sprint 20 yards

about a 45 sec rest

GFY rxd

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rest Day--- Evolution of training

The evolution of training is a funny thing. Look back 30 years ago. 70's big is a classic example of what the main goal was. BIG!!! How can I get big and what is the fastest way to do it. Mr Olympia... Arnold.... Atlass.... What made them so incredibly popular. Their size. Every guy at some point in their life has said "I want to be huge" "Arms like Shane in 2009" (hahahah). Eventually things changed and we started wanting to be ripped and skinny like the movie starts. Our perception on what is fitness drastically changed. Now it wasnt muscle that defined fitness it was toneness. people wanting to show of everybit of muscle they had but none were amazingly strong. Ripped is the best way to describe it. Now we have the new version. Fitness nowadays is being able to do anything with skill and have strength while being able to run 7 miles and the pull yourself up and then do an olympic lift. Fads are fads. Evolution will always happend. People will always come up with the new and best way to train. The new and best way to be fit. So we ask a simple question...

Why do we train a certain way? How have we come up with the programs we are on? What causes us to choose a program that we think is better for us? John said it perfect in a post today..."As athletes become more advanced they need to ad things to the program. Different versions of lifts, various types of resistance, assistance work to make up for weaknesses."

Individuals can follow a program or a site that they feel best suits their needs, but when it is all said and done, only that individual knows what they need to be fit.

Education!!! Become educated and learn how a program works. Learn how to tweak it as you need to. I love CFFB!!! I love the program. I think it is the best program I have ever been involved with. At this stage we are in an evolutionary period of CFFB. A test run if you will. It could go huge.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday Feb 15th--- BOOM

Another Day... Another Great Day!!
1RM Bench
3xMax Reps Chained DB Press
3x8 Barbell shrugs
3x8 DB Tri Ext
DWOD: AMRAP in 12 min of
1/2 gasser
(1 MU Rose+) 10 rings dips
10 2 pood KB Swings

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday Feb 14th---Happy VDAY bitches

Alright you bitches...A lot of new shit today and finished with a good ol ass kicker.

All I know is cassidy is strong as hell, but hes still a puss. Cant do a frickin WOD he doesnt feel comfy with. Bullshit!!!

3Rm susepended good morinings
3x12 GHR
3x12 Reverse Hyper variation
4x12 GHD sit up

DWOD: 5 rounds for time
1 PS @ 80%
1 Pull up
1 PS @ 80%
3 Pull ups
1 PS @ 80%
5 Pull ups

Great ass kicker!!!


Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Feb 11th--- Boom again

DE Bench with 85(J)/165(T)/185(S) and bands
DB Bench Press 3xmax reps 70(J)/95(t)/115(S)
Skullies 3x8 95(J)/105(T)/135(S)
Shrugs 3x8 275(J)/315(T)/405(S)

5 rounds of
115# farmers walk 3o yards
90# prowler push 30yards back


Thursday Jan 10th ---- Long one today

DE Box Squats felt damn good.
DE Deads were quite the trip too. What a great contraption.

Damn... Today was a long one. Ill tell ya this new shit is gonna get me big and strong but its gonna kick my ass too.
DE Squats 12x2 bands +185#
DE DL 15x1 bands +225/265#
OTM bear complex 8 rounds with 95# (speed)
4 rounds of
10 FS
25 20# medball wall throws
That was a fun day.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rest Day---Feb 9th---What is the goal of your training??

This question has come up alot for me lately. Why am I training... To be stronger? To be faster? Overall conditioning? At this point it is a mystery. I think that with strength will come speed. With strength and speed conditioning will naturally occur. I dunno. I guess we are all going to find out sooner or later. At least I can say I am going to bust my ass doing whatever I am trying.

Workout for the rest day.

Skullies (95#) and Straight Bar curl (75#) 3x10-15

Weighted Dips (50#) and Hammer curls (40's) 3x10

Trap Bar shrugs 3x15 @275#

Reverse Hypers 4x15

Nice stretch out after. Feeling good so far this week

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Feb 8th---More new shit!!!

Some Chained up KB incline press. That was fun!

Close Grip Bench 1 RM

Another day... Another ass kicker... Then we finished it with a nasy WOD..
Yes today was a badass day. Continuous Challenges. Intriguing new movements and just overall fun.
Close Grip Bench 1RM
KB Incline press with Chains (no idea on weight really)
BOR 3x10
Decline Dumbbell Tri Extensions 3x10
5 rounds for time
3 HPC 155
6 Push ups
9 1.5pood KB swings
20 Yard Prowler sprint 135#
30 sec rest between rounds.
That was some badass shit!!! Diggin the new stuff so far

Box Squats...Boom!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Starting something new.

Alright, so now we venture out on some new and innovative shit today. Big John is planning on kicking our ass a lil more and in a different way. Should be interesting.

Here is the plan for tomorrow.


Low Box Squat 1RM
Weighted GHRs 3x8
Straight Leg Deads 3x8

Accessroy WOD :
5 Rounds of
5 Weighted Pull ups/10 GHD sit ups
100 Double unders
5 rounds of
5 weighted pull ups/10 GHD sit ups

GFY and we will see how tomorrow goes.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Feb 4th---CFFB

Well, every day the sun comes up and you wonder if your shit is gonna be there today, or if youre gonna struggle your ass off just to get it done. Today was a good day. The crew hit this hard, and succeeded in a good way.
This is the Japanese symbol for strength. It has many meanings and many thoughts are surrounded around what true strength is. It may surprise you that it is not all about muslce or power. Where do you find your strength?
SWOD - Power Clean 3,3,3,3,3
Trose - Hit 235 for then then 252.5 for 2(pr multi)
Shane - 252.5 with a hell of a fight on 3... Badass brother
Judass - 185 for 3 then hit 195 for 2 *1RM is 205 Right on bro
Cassidy... Played with himeself all morning
10 rounds of:
3 weighted pull ups (Trose & Shane 70#, Judass 25#)
3 box jumps 75% max height (38")
10 yard prowler push sprint with 135# on the bar
40 sec rest between rounds
That was a good one boys.
STRENGTH within!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Warrior Within!!

We all fight battles within.. We all picture ourselves as warriors who can beat anything placed against them. WE dig deep and try to find an extra power to push just a little further. Some examples of the crew.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Feb 1 - - CFFB

Power Snatch 1,1,1,1,1,1,1
Weighted Pull Ups 3xMax
Trose - PS up to 170 (PR) press out, WPUs 60#8,7,7
Shane - up to 190 WPUs 60# 8,9,9
Judass - 135 WPUs BW, 3,3,4

5 rounds of
3 PS 70% last rep of PSs
3 Snatch pulls
3 PS

2 min rest

All crew RXD Butter

GFY rxd