Oh yeah!!

Oh yeah!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rest Day!!!! Hahahaha

Rest Day my ass!!!

Start us of right boys...

100 reps of each for time (kinda) of - break it up however you want

Straight bar curls with 20# on each side
Straight bar Skullies with 20# on each side
Anchored situps with 25# plate
Double Unders


50 reps of each for time(kinda) of - break it up however you want
DB hammer curls 50#
Overhead Tri Ext 90# DB
Ring Roll ups
KB Swings


Calf raises

Should be a doozy....

GFY rxd

CFFB Aug 30th

Deads Deads Deads.... WTF!!

at least for me

SWOD - 5 RM Deads/3xmax supine ring rows

Trose - 405 (puss)/25,22,20
Shane - 475(tough)/24,22,20
Judass - 350(PR)/ no idea
SS - 155 / 7,10,8
Matt - 350/no idea

8 rounds of 40yd sprints with 30 sec rest


8 min AMRAP of
155# PC - PP for 5 and 5 ring dips

Trose - 9 rounds
Shane - 8+4
Judass - 4 Rounds
SS - 7 rounds
Matt WGAF!! haha

Great day across the board for the crew!

GFY rxd

Monday, August 30, 2010

Young GFY Recruit....

David is one of the hardest working kids I have seen. Hit the gym so hard this offseason and is ready to toll. Go David

CFFB Aug 30th

What a day!! When the chest goes there aint a whole lot you can do about it. LMS prob pulled a hammy spotting me on round 1. hahaha

SWOD - thanks for the rest day

4 rounds of:
max rep bench @ 225
Max rep strict Pull Up
sit up ball throw with 20# for 15 reps

*only rest taken during this wod was while walking to next station and maybe a quick 3-5 second breather.

We all did this in around 10 minutes:

Trose - BN= 15,8,6,6 PU=17,12,12,10 Total of 86
Shane - BN = 19,9,7,7 PU = 20,12,11,10 Total of 95
Judass - BN = 8,6,4,3 PU = 8,6,4,3 total of 42 (I had to guess a lil on this one)
LMS - BN 10,8,6,6 PU = 12,10,8,10 Total of 70 (guessed on this one as well)

Good shit today crew

GFY rxd

Sunday, August 29, 2010

CFFB Aug 28th

Done on the 29th. Great Sunday Morning!!!

We both a little tired this morn so we hit it at a good pace, but felt sluggish. We crazy enough to get the same damn score.

Tabata Sledge
Tabata Burpee
Tabata Sledge

Lowest score of each round counts and then add to total:

Trose - 14-6-13 (pissed on 13) total = 33
Shane - 14-6-13 (pissed as well) total = 33

Ready to hit next week!


Friday, August 27, 2010

Double up the Days

CFFB Aug 26th

FS 5x2/Press 5x2

Trose 260/160
Shane 260/180


50/40/30/20/10 K2E with a 200 M sprint before each round

Trose - 10:30
Shane - 12:20
SS- 12:28
Judass - 15: something

CFFB Aug 27th

Weighted Chin ups 3,3,3,3,3
Trose/Shane - up to 100
Judass up to 20

OTM for 15 min perform 2 PC and 10 DUs. (As heavy as possible)

Trose - 240
Shane - 225
Judass - 175
SS - 85

What a great end to a killer week


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Gotta love a Rest Day!!

Bring the rain bitch!!

Close Grip Bench 95#/GHD sit ups (40/20,30/15,20/10,10/5)

Chin Up/DUs (20/40,15/30,10/20,5/10)

Skullies W/ 40# on each side/dumbbell curls 30#(10/20 4 rounds)

Straight Bar with 40# each side(more for Shane)/kick backs 30# (6/15 4 rounds)


Good rest day today. Cant wait for tomorrow!

GFY rxd

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

CFFB Aug 24th

WE came... WE saw... We kicked ass

DL 15X1 with 30 sec rest/3x max HSH

Trose - 315/1:28, 1:21, 1:26
Shane - 335/ 1:20, 1:20, 1:23
Judass - 245/3:11 total
SS - 155 5RM/ 1:27, :27, 1:39

135# Push Press
Ring Dips
Cal Row

Trose - 8:28
Shane - 9:44
Judass - 14:29 (JRD)
SS - 13:29 bar dips??? (not sure)

Great day with a great WOD. Crew killed it today!

GFY rxd

Monday, August 23, 2010


Holy Shit!!!! That was one hell of a day. The crew came out in numbers for this one.

SWOD - Squat and Bench 5 RM

Trose - 350-295
Shane - 415-315
Judass - 315-205

8 rounds for time of

50 yd sprint
5 Rt KB swings 2 pood
5 Lt KB swings 2 pood
7 Pull ups

Trose - 9:20
Shane - 9:44
Judass - 14:46
SS - 13:48
Matt - ??
Freck - 19:56

All in all it was an ass kicker, but it was fun... Shane Puked, I came close and if Judass wouldve seen Shane puke he wouldve too.


Friday, August 20, 2010

CFFB Aug 20th

Holy hell!!! Boring but intense at the same time. Repetitive movements at BW for 15 minutes do not work well with my ADD. Its all good. Crew showed and we threw down today.

SWOD - rest

AMRAP in 15 Minutes of:
5Pull Ups

Trose - 19 rounds on the dot
Shane - 14 rounds
Judass - 9 Rounds (hitting head to floor today. Hell Yeah)


Thursday, August 19, 2010

CFFB Aug 19

Great today.... Whew!

SWOD - PS 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 - Ring Pull Ups 3X15

Shane up to 190, and Ring Pull Ups rxd (2nd and third set broken up)
Trose up to 155 (My hang snatch is better then my full), Ring Pull Ups rxd unbroken

For Time:
1/2 gasser
20 DB Hang Cleans @ 50lbs
1/2 gasser
15 DB Hang Cleans
1/2 gasser
10 DB Hang Cleans
1/2 Gasser
5 DB Hang Cleans
1/2 gasser

We are lame and did not see we had to do the last gasser so best guess is to add 15-20 sec. Also, we might have had to do squat cleans and not power cleans, but WGAF.

Shane - 3:45
Trose - 3:30
SS - 3:5---something

Great stuff today. It was a tiring day to say the least but we kicked its ass.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wednesday...REST DAY????

Bar Power Jerks
GHD sit ups


Weighted Bar Dips (25#)
Bar Curls (25's on each side)

Standing overhead tri extension (90# Dumbbell)
hanging Roll ups from Rings

Dumbbell hammer Climbs (#'s 20-30-40-50)
Kick backs (#'s 20,25,30,35)

4 x burnouts on Calve raises

Rest day... hahahaha

GFY rxd

CFFB 4th Quarter is ours!!!! Hell Yeah it is!

Alright so today we kinda got our ass kicked but not really. It was a good one but had its moments of Holy Shit!!

Started the day with a nasty SWOD:

5x1 Squat and 5X2 Bench.
Shane hit 425 pretty damn solid on the squat and threw up 305 like it was nothing
TRose hit 350 good, but it was heavy. Bench was solid at 300
Judass was solid on the Squat at 315 and even stronger on the bench at 205

Then came the pain:

5 rounds for time
20 yd bear crawl (10 and back)
5 DL @ 315
10 Burpees

Trose rxd in 6:50
Shane rxd in 7:50
Judass rxd in 12:58
SS rxd in around 9 min I think

Good Shit today from the crew. It was a total ass kicker of a WOD!!

GFY rxd

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bear Ladder by Freddy C

Oh Shit!!!!

What a workout brought on by Freddy C. That was just plain nasty.

1 cycle = Squat Clean-Thruster-Rack Thruster.... or DL-Hang Clean-Front Squat-Press Movement-Back Squat-Press Movement.

Start by Completing 1 cycle, then 2 cycles, then 3 cycles, and so on. You have 20 Minutes to complete the round of 10 cycles. Rest as much as needed between cycle rounds but you cannot drop the bar during a round of cycles except to tap the bar on the floor.

This was a nasty WOD and we did not complete. It was close but we were taken over by the massive amount of thrusters.

TRose - rxd through 8 rounds and 6 cycles... Finished 11 more cycles before the 20 minutes up
ShaneP- rxd through 7 rounds and 3 cycles...Had 8 cycles left at the end of 20 minutes.

Plane Nasty