Oh yeah!!

Oh yeah!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

CFFB Sep 30th

Landmark Day today for the crew...

SWOD - OHS 5x1...PS 8x2

Trose - OHS -200 (PR)/PS 135-155
ShaneP - FS 265/PS 175-185
Judass - OHS -225 (PR)/ PS 115
Matt - OHS - 224/PS - 175

SS - One of these days when when you might show up in the morning you could hold your own...For now just keep killing it.... FS - 75/PS - 75... Good stuff

DWOD - 5 rounds max HSPUs

Trose - 15,12,10,9,10
ShaneP - 12,10,8,8,8
Judass - 3,3,2,2,1
Matt - 2,2,2,2,2
SS - 6,5,3,3,2

GFY rxd

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rest Day for Mr. Lake!!!

Ok this one is all Lakes Fault....hahahahah

Phase 1:

5 rounds:
Medball throws against wall 45 sec
rest 15 sec
Weighted Bar Dips (20#) 45 sec
rest 15 sec
K2E 45 sec
rest 15 sec
Bar curls (#10 on each side) 45 sec
15 sec rest

2 minute rest

Phase 2:

5 rounds of:
Skullies (10# each side) 45 sec
rest 15 sec
Jackknives 45 sec
15 sec rest
DB curls (25#) 45 sec
rest 45 sec
Double Unders 45 sec
15 sec rest

2 minute rest

Phase 3:

5 rounds

Side raises (20#) 45 sec
rest 15 sec
Close grip push up 45 sec
rest 15 sec
Bar Shrugs (135#) 45 sec
15 sec rest
Over head bar hold 45 sec
rest 15 sec


Sorry brother, but this one is gonna be an ass kicking...


Yarddog from the Backwoods Badasses!!!! Good good God man!!!!

CFFB for Sep 27th, 28th

Ok here is a Double post cuz we slow...

Monday 27th
Trose - 315
ShaneP - 335
Judass - 260
Matt - 300

5 rounds with 1 min rest inbetween

5 PC @ 185
3 box jump overs
50 yd sprint....

Trose, ShaneP, Matt rxd
Judass @ 165

Tuesday 28th

SWOD - DL 3@80%, 3@85%, 3@90%

Trose - 385, 410, 435
Shanep - 405, 435, 455
Judass - 295, 310, 330
Matt - 365, 385, 400???

Good damn Shit today bitches!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rest Day

Alright Lake.... Here you go bitch!!

Vested ring dips with 25#
Seated DB curls with 35#
Straight Bar Skullies with 20# on each side
GHD sit upts
Kick backs with 25's
Straight bar curls with 20# on each side
Close Grip Push Ups


Could be an interesting one....Hahahahaa

GFY Lake

CFFB Sep 21 2010

Holy Shit it has been awhile!!!!

Alright lets get back into it!!!

SWOD - BN 5@80%, 2x3@ 87.5%, 4x1@ 90%+

Trose - 270,285,305
Shane - 275,290,315
Judass - Finished @ 205

Min on Min off for five minutes... Have to get 30 2 pood KB swings in the minute. 1000M row as penalty for missing round

Trose - 30/30/30/24/22 - 2000m row
Shane - 30/30/30/25/24 - 2000m row
Judass - 30/30/20/20/15 - 3000m row
Matt - 30 then puss
McKay - rxd and finished @ 53#
SS - 30/30/30/29!!!/30 @ 1 pood

Good shit today. A lot of rowing. Damnit!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Just another Rest Day!

Now that is what I call a rest day! Just for you Shane! Lake... rest up brotha

Round 1:
4 rounds of
8 heavy barbell curls (35's on each side)
10 med ball throw sit ups (20#)
12 weighted bar dips (30#)

Round 2:
4 rounds of
8 heavy skullies (30# on each side - 40# for Shane)
10 K2Es
21's on DB curls (20#)

Round 3:
3 rounds of
10 Hammer curls (45#)
10 Kick DB kickbacks (25#)

Heavy Calf Raises

That was about as perfect as they get for a rest day.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

CFFB Sep 2nd

We were all feeling a bit tired. Prob should take a rest day one of these days. hahahaha.

SQ 10x2 @ 65% (45 sec rest)
BN 5x5 at 90% 5RM

Trose - SQ 250/BN 275 (tough)
Shane - SQ 315/BN 300
Judass - SQ 230/BN 185

6 rounds with 60 sec rest between rounds:

Max Plyo Push Up
100 m Sprint

Trose - 162 reps
Shane 109 reps
SS - 104 reps
Judass - 50+ reps
Matt - 80+ reps
Mckay - no idea but good.

Tomorrow is a new day... Bring It!!

GFY rxd.