- "Crossfit, preparing for the unknown and the unknowable. This is a statement which is easy to take at face value. We don’t know what physical or mental challenge will await us so we train and prepare for everything; easy enough. Yesterday’s events led me to think that perhaps there is a bit more to it than that. Death is the ultimate unknown and unknowable. There is no training protocol to prepare for it and when it comes, it comes. No matter how fit you are, if a bear eats you, a train hits you, a robber shoots you or if you just aren’t a good swimmer and you drown in a strong rip tide; when your time comes, it comes. Death is out of your hands, you can’t control it but life on the other hands is yours do with as you see fit. Prepare for life, train so that you may live the life you want to live everyday until the end. Be fit, be strong, be healthy; give yourself the tools to make the most of the time you have so when that time comes, be it tomorrow or fifty years from tomorrow people will be jealous of how well you lived." ---John Welbourne after witness a boy pulled from the ocean lifeless.
- Definition of insanity is to continually do something over and over with the expectation that something different will happen.
- The CrossFit Mindset:
1. I will promise to do my best. My best will vary from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute. But in that minute, I will do the very best I can.
2. If I can run, I run. If I can walk, I walk. If I must crawl, I crawl. And when I make it, I will rest. And live to fight another day.
3. I fear no man, but I fear my workout. If I don’t fear my workout, it isn’t hard enough.
I may puke. I may cry. But I will not quit. Ever.
4. I will not cheat. There is no honor in cheating. I will call out cheaters if I see them, as they have no place in my gym.
- What would happen if you failed? If you dropped the bar? If you ended up on your a**?You might bruise your butt and your pride.And, hopefully, you’d get back up and try again.But, if you didn’t, that would be okay. It would just mean you don’t belong here. And that’s cool. Better you should know now. Better we all should know now.Because CrossFit isn’t for quitters. CrossFit isn’t for people who refuse to try again. CrossFit isn’t for people who expect that victory comes without effort.CrossFit is for people who try, people who work hard, people who know that failure (and learning from that failure)is the path to success.So, if you call yourself a CrossFitter, let me see you attack that lift and this life. Let me see you on your a**. Let me see you put your heart in the workout and your ego on the bench. Let me see you try.