Oh yeah!!

Oh yeah!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I relish the opportunity to do this WOD everytime it comes up and I make sure and bust my ass the entire time. Games prep or not this is it. Glad to be back hitting some weight.


7 rounds
7 DL @ 315
1 full gasser
15 Pull ups

RXD for the crew today..

Rose 18:00+
Shane 21:00+
Judass 29:00+


Badassist dog in the world

RIP Diesel

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rest Day... Prep Day

Ok so Shane asked the greatest question today....

" Would you rather look like this.....

and be able to lift a shit ton of weight....


look like this.....

and be able to lift double your bodyweight...


GFY rxd

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Crossfit Mindset
1. I will promise to do my best. My best will vary from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute. But in that minute, I will do the very best I can
2. If I can run, I run. If I can walk, I walk. If I must crawl, I crawl. And when I make it, i will rest. And live to fight another day
3. I fear no man, but I fear my workout. If I don't fear my workout, it isnt hard enough. I may puke. I may cry. But I will never quit. EVER!!
4. I will not cheat. There is no honor in cheating. I will call out cheaters if I see them, as they have no place in my gym.....

Cool little motto for the day..
BN worked up to 315 for 1. Felt good
3x15 Pull ups/3x10 DB press

5 300s with 12 Ring dips in between each 1. That was nice. Legs felt a lil heavy today.

SQ 3RM- Shane 445, Judass 345

10 minutes...every 30 seconds hit a PS
5:00 of pull ups for max reps.

That looked fun


Monday, April 18, 2011


Just added a new page to our blog... Motivation for your asses. Take a look and add some shit in the comments. I will be continually adding shit in there so keep them coming.

HIt it hard... Finish Strong!!

Two weeks left. Gotta hit this shit hard! Strength: 1RM SQ with 75# chains up to 395 3x7 High Box Step ups 3x10 12# FGHR DWOD: (Balboa Style) 135# 12DL 9HPC 6THR 40 Yd 115# farmers walk 3 rounds Shane and Judass: 10x3 Banded Bench 3xMax rep DB Bench 3xmax rep single arm BOR DWOD: (NASTY!) 3PS 5BJ 7KB Swing 20Yard Prowler 5 rounds Damn! GFY

WOD 11.4

Damn... Wanted 1 round so bad. Felt that if I hit one round I could be pretty happy with what I did seeing as OHS and MUs are not the greatest weapon in my arsenal. Fell 1 MU short. 99 total reps. Its all good, I will take it. Link to vid coming soon

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rest day... Prep Day

Well damn!!! 11.4 came out and I think I am excited but at the same time I am thinking..."holy Shit"". 11.4 WOD 10 Min AMRAP 60 Bar Facing Burpees (burpee over bar) 30 OHS 120# 10 MUs Prepped a bit today.... 30BFB 15 OHS (all unbroken) 5 MUs Not too bad. Damn though this could get real pretty quick. 60 burpees. Buck Furpees!!! Just get me to the MUs and then I think I can be good. GFY

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Good Couple of Days

Ok so I did not hit the blog up yesterday.. Shit just happens. Hahaha It is all good.

Monday Strength:
Rose -
15x1 SQ @ 335 with 5 sec rest
5 rounds for time with 315#DL
2 DL


Shane and Judass-
Banded Bench 3x8
banded Incline DB 3xmax reps
Weighted Pull ups 3xmax

5 rounds for time at 80% press

Both finished around 9:00


Rose -
1,1,1,1,1 BN finished at 315
KB press ladder
3x15 Pull Ups
3x15 RIng Dips


Shane/Judass -
FS 1RM 310/250
Rack DL 3x8

7 rounds of
1min of 15 KB Swings 2pood
1 min max row.

Damn that just looked nasty!!!

C'mon HQ give us something good and heavy today.... Unless it is something overhead....Weight I lied... Give Zach max OHS!!!

GFY rxd

Friday, April 8, 2011

Word of the day FEARLESS!!!

A friend wrote on his blog today (oldcountrystrong.com) about fear and what it does to us. It was incredible to read and understand why we do the shit we do. I needed that motivation this morning. Might have helped squeeze out a few more rounds...Maybe not.. Who knows. WOD 11.3 today can suck it. I still hurt 23 rounds on the dot. Wanted 25 so damn bad but it just wasnt in the cards. Maybe too much pacing, but in the end it was all I had. Shane/Judass: 12x2 Squat with 140# chains. That was badass 4x12 DL... That was even more badass 3x10 Good mornings to finish some shit off. All in all a great day for the crew!! Pics and vids to come tomorrow. GFY

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thoughts about shit!!!

Ok... So I had an epiphany today. Last week I was in discussion with some of my kdis that are doing the program every day after school and we were talking about the games. I showed them some of the scores. They all asked why someone who can barely do the workouts are competing. At the time I did not have an answer other than cuz they wanted to. I then asked myself that same question.... I know there is a good chance I am not going to make it to the games let alone regionals. I do not have the type of conditioning that is needed. So why do I do it? I dunno. I then came to the conclusion this morining with Shane. I related it to training for a marathon. For most of the compeitors this is there marathon. They just want the experience. They want the competition. They want to know that they are training for something. No one wants to really just train to train. I have always exercised because there are so many things I like to do in life that requires me to be physically in shape. I love to compete even when I am most likely not going to win. I think back to when I first learned about crossfit. My good friend Dave Young said something to me that has always stuck. With crossfit... You might not be the best at one thing but your going to be damn good at a lot of things. That is my reason. And as far as the competition goes. It is just another challenge to see what I can do. I love all this shit and I will do it as long as I can. GFY

Monday, April 4, 2011

Killer Post by Freddy!!1

Killer Post FreddyC

I stole that from Freddy cuz it was so badass....

Strength today:
CFFB WOD - 15x1 80-85% SQ with 5 sec rest (325)

1-1,3-3,5-5 Press 80%(140) and Pull ups ----12:00 even

3x5 single leg step ups on 35# box
3x10 12# weighted FGHR
3x10 12# GHD situps

Shane and Judass:
8x3 Glose Grip Bench

Press Pull Up Wod
S---11:56 160#
J---11:52 115#

Good Shit today!!


Saturday, April 2, 2011

WOD #2...Kicked my ass!

Here is the link... Still no idea how to put youtube vid on blog. http://www.youtube.com/user/32dragonforce?feature=mhum Did a slow version of FGB today and felt incredible. Gotta build the cardio up apparently. 365 reps GFY

Friday, April 1, 2011


Ok so hit WOD 11.2 today. Pissed off a lil. Hit it hard and gave it what I could, but just didnt finish the way I wanted. 9 rounds on the dot and it was a battle. Trained to hard yesterday? Nutrition? I dunno but shit!! 4 rounds left. I gotta pray for less cardio and more weight movement. My cardio is honestly no that bad, but apparently it is not up to the level it needs to be. Shit!!

Video link to come